Our team has developed a unique ranking system that evaluates every launchpads’s performance and potential based Project feasibility
Crypto launchpads, often referred to as crypto incubators, are platforms that let blockchain-based projects generate revenue while allowing their group of investors access to early-stage token sales.
Investors that have access to early-stage deals benefit a lot before the market opens to the general public. Also, more projects are turning to launchpads for funding because the cost of launching on a crypto launchpad is low
Using a launchpad to launch a project gives founders and investors security. The top crypto launchpads have a rigorous vetting procedure for new projects before accepting them. In contrast, a KYC (Know Your Customer) process is typically carried out by a third party as a need for new users’ verification.
In addition, using a launchpad gives new founders access to a network of crypto investors and enthusiasts who are eager to explore more about a new project.
Before learning about the advantages of the launchpad, let’s quickly overview the types of Crypto launchpads.
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